6°|WORLD LEGAL SUMMIT 2019 - MILANO, 1 agosto 2019, ore 17,00




Il 1° agosto, ore 17:00, il Milano Legal Tech Meetup ospita l’edizione milanese del World Legal Summit, manifestazione in tema di legal, tech and innovation che si svolgerà in contemporanea in più di 20 città nel mondo.

La formula è quella solita del meetup: tavola rotonda, interventi liberi, dialogo tra tutti i partecipanti, key speeches e case studies, Q&A.

Chi fosse interessato a partecipare come speaker o ad esporre un case study potrà comunicarlo qui sulla pagina del Meetup o scrivendo a [masked].


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Identity & Personal Governance

The Identity and Personal Governance category will focus on topics dealing with identity in the digital arena and what it looks like to manage digital identities. It will focus on how emerging technologies are enabling decentralized identity systems, along with what different models of digital identities look like in a legal context. This category will also address how technologists can account for these structures in the way the technologies are being developed.


Autonomous Machines

The Autonomous Machines category will review what jurisdictions are doing to account for the increasing adoption of autonomous machines from a legislative standpoint. It will review legislative frameworks dealing with autonomous vehicles and machines being used in industry and manufacturing, as well as how technologists can account for these requirements in development


Cyber Security & Personal Data

The Cyber Security and Personal Data category will review what various jurisdictions are doing to manage user and personal data transacted online. It will focus on how this data is being protected and the various mechanisms being used to manage security online. It will look at the legal frameworks of these topics and how technologists can better develop their technologies to account for these requirements.


Ci vediamo il 1° agosto alle 17:00!