Condominium, cameras and privacy. Court of Cassation n. 34151/2017

The Cassation, with the recent judgment no. 34151/2017, established that there is no unlawful conduct when a condomino decides to install a camera on his  landing.

In the present case, the condomino installed a camera for safety reasons, which was pointing on the landing in front of the door, on the part of the staircase and on the condo landing too,  circumstance that annoyed the neighbor.

After the first-degree condemnation, the man in the appeal was acquitted of the offense imputed to him, namely the offense of illicit interference in private life ex art. 615-bis c.p: in fact the landing, according to art. 614 c.p., does not belong to the "private residence", the part shooted by the camera did  not affect the privacy of the other condominiums.

The neighbor, unhappy, decided to turn to the Supreme Court, which rejected the appeal: the landing and the condominium stairs, in fact, are places where many people pass every day, so privacy it’s not affected.