News: art. 162 bis, criminal code.

The reform of the criminal trial has brought a big novelty in the field of repaired conduits, with the aim to increase out-of-court resolutions: the new art. 162a of the Criminal Code provides that there may be “repair”, including compensation for damage with a bid, within the maximum period of the opening statement of the first-instance hearing (but the court may grant a further period of up to six months in the event of impossibility to fulfill). If the sum is judged reasonable and sufficient by the judge, the offense may be extinguished, regardless of the consensus of the injured party

This type of out-of-court settlement is limited to offenses subjected to remand, also the stalking crime.

In addition, there are some other news: the crimes prosecuted by the lawsuit are now extended to all the offenses against a person punished with pecuniary penality or imprisonment of up to four years, with two exceptions: the crime of private violence and crimes against property.